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Listing 2. cpu Graphing Script

  1   #!/bin/bash
  2 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  3   # $Header: /var/log/sar/RCS/cpu,v 1.4 1997/06/19 04:31:05 dgavin Exp dgavin $
  5   # cpu - display cpu utilization
  7   # input - /var/log/sar/data/cpu.Mondd.yy
  8   # output- chart showing time spent in user/sys/nice states
 10 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 11   #
 12   trap '/bin/rm /tmp/gnuplot.cpu.* 2>/dev/null;exit' SIGHUP SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM
 13 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 15   # Function definitions
 17 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 18   function checkForEmpty {
 19   if [ ! -s ${1} ] ; then
 20     echo "0 0" >${1}
 21   fi
 22   return
 23   }
 24 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 26   # Mainline code
 28 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 32   # Variable initialization
 33   #
 35   HARDCOPY=""
 36   GHOSTVIEW=""
 37   CMDNAME=`basename $0`
 39   HELP="${CMDNAME} generates X11 or hardcopy 
      graph of cpu utilization."
 40   USAGE="${CMDNAME} [-DHLVhPp] [MonDD[.YY]]
 41     -D turns on execution tracing
 42     -H displays help info and exits
 43     -L displays RCS log and exits
 44     -V display Revision info and exits
 45     -h displays help info and exits
 46     -P Prints without display
 47     -p displays and offers print option
 49     MonDD.YY - day to work with, defaults to 
 50      i.e. Jun12.97 -the year will default to 
    this year
 52   "
 54 #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
 56   # Parse options
 59   #
 60   while getopts DHLVhPp c ; do
 61     case ${c} in
 62       h|H) echo -e "\n${HELP}\n\n${USAGE}\n"
 63          exit 1
 64          ;;
 65       p) HARDCOPY="YES"
 66          GHOSTVIEW="YES"
 67          ;;
 68       P) HARDCOPY="YES"
 69          GHOSTVIEW=""
 70          ;;
 71       D) echo "DEBUG ON"
 72          set -x
 73          DEBUG="yes"
 75          ;;
 76       L) echo '
 77   $Log: $
 78   '
 79          exit 1
 80          ;;
 81       V) echo '$Revision: $'
 82          exit 1
 83          ;;
 84       ?) echo -e "\n${USAGE}\n"
 85          exit 3
 86          ;;
 87     esac
 88   done
 89   # re-align the positional parameters as $1, 
 90   shift `expr ${OPTIND} - 1`
 92   cd /var/log/sar/data
 93   if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
 94    FN="cpu.`date +%b%d.%y`"
 95   else
 96    l=`echo ${1} | wc -c`
 97    l=`expr ${l} + 0`
 98    case ${l} in
 99     6) FN="cpu.${1}.`date +%y`";;
100     9) FN="cpu.${1}";;
101     *) echo -e "\n${CMDNAME}: Invalid date - 
102        exit
103        ;;
104    esac
105   fi
106   if [ ! -f ${FN} ] ; then
107     echo "No such file: ${FN}"
108     exit
109   fi
110   if [ ! -r ${FN} ] ; then
111     echo "File not readable: ${FN}"
112     exit
113   fi
114   if [ ! -s ${FN} ] ; then
115     echo "File empty: ${FN}"
116     exit
117   fi
118   #
119   #     user    nice    system  idle
120   #0940 8065221 3719924 2017086 53289599
121   awk '
122   BEGIN{}
123   {
124    if (NR == 1) {
125      old_user = $2;
126      old_nice = $3;
127      old_sys = $4;
128      old_idle = $5;
129    } else {
130      mm=substr($1,3,2) * .016;
131      tim=substr($1,1,2)+mm;
132      if ( old_user > $2 ) {
133        user = 0;
134        nice = 0;
135        sys = 0;
136        idle = 0;
137        reboot = 100;
138      } else {
139        user = $2 - old_user;
140        nice = $3 - old_nice;
141        sys = $4 - old_sys;
142        idle = $5 - old_idle;
143        reboot = -1;
144      }
145      total = user + nice + sys + idle ;
146      if ( user == 0 ) { puser = 0; } else { 
     puser= (user / total) * 100;}
147      if ( sys  == 0 ) { psys  = 0; } else { 
     psys = (sys  / total) * 100;}
148      if ( nice == 0 ) { pnice = 0; } else { 
     pnice= (nice / total) * 100;}
149      if ( idle == 0 ) { pidle = 0; } else { 
     pidle= (idle / total) * 100;}
151      printf("%5.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f 
152             tim, pidle+puser+psys+pnice,
153             puser+psys+pnice, psys+pnice, 
     pnice,reboot) >"/tmp/gnuplot.cpu";
155      old_user = $2;
156      old_nice = $3;
157      old_sys = $4;
158      old_idle = $5;
159    }
160   }
161   END{}' ${FN}
162   #
163   # Get system name and date of report into 
164   system=`hostname -s | /usr/bin/tr 
     "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`
165   sysdate=`echo ${FN} | cut -c 5-`
166   /bin/echo "Generating plot for $system 
167   #
168   # Set gnuplot variables as needed
169   #
170   if [ -z ${HARDCOPY} ]; then
171     TERMINAL="set terminal X11"
172     PAUSE="pause 10"
173     YLABEL=""
174   else
175     TERMINAL='set terminal postscript
     landscape monochrome dashed "Times-Roman" 18
176   set output "/tmp/"'
177     PAUSE=""
178     YLABEL='set ylabel "Nice|Sys|User|Idle"'
179   fi
180   #
181   # Generate the plots
182   #
183   gnuplot <<EOF
184   ${TERMINAL}
185   set data style lines
186   set nogrid
187   set key
188   set title "CPU Activity - $system On 
189   set xlabel "Time of Day"
190   set xrange [00:24]
191   set xtics 0,1,24
192   ${YLABEL}
193   set yrange [0:140]
194   set ytics 0,10,100
195   plot \
196   "/tmp/gnuplot.cpu" using 1:2 title "idle"
      with line 1, \
197   "/tmp/gnuplot.cpu" using 1:3 title "user"
      with line 3, \
198   "/tmp/gnuplot.cpu" using 1:4 title "sys"
       with line 2, \
199   "/tmp/gnuplot.cpu" using 1:5 title "nice"
       with line 4, \
200   "/tmp/gnuplot.cpu" using 1:6 title "reboot" 
      with points 2
201   ${PAUSE}
202   quit
203   EOF
204   #
205   if [ .${HARDCOPY} = ".YES" ]; then
206     if [ -z ${GHOSTVIEW} ] ; then
207       lpr /tmp/
208     else
209       ghostview -upsidedown -landscape
      -magstep 0 /tmp/
210       echo "Print ?"
211       read ans
212       if [ ${ans} = "y" ] ; then
213         lpr /tmp/
214       fi
215     fi
216     rm /tmp/  2>/dev/null
217   fi
218   # clean up the junk
219   if [ ${DEBUG}. = "." ]; then
220     rm /tmp/gnuplot.cpu 2>/dev/null
221   fi