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Java Networking API

Java is a good general purpose language. It may be best known for Web Applets, but as the article shows, it has a full GUI component and can be used for any sort of application. It has also become popular lately as a server-side language, as much due to its simplification of C++'s Object-Oriented Programming model as to its portability. As a single example, Java's networking API ( totally hides the difference between standard UNIX sockets and the asynchronous sockets used on Microsoft operating systems. Further, the code needed to construct, open and read from a client-side socket minus the error checking is:

Socket s = new Socket("myhost", 1234);
// DataInputStream ins = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream());
// BufferedReader is preferable to DataInputStream<\n> 
// as of JDK1.1
BufferedReader ins = new BufferedReader( 
	new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
String s;
while ((s = ins.readLine()) != null) {
	// do something with this line of input
Similarly, a server-side socket can be created easily, bypassing the minutiae of creating a sockaddr_in, casting it and binding it:

ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(1234);
Socket ios;
while (s = ss.accept()) {
	// do I/O on s, which is connected to a<\n> 
	// client
To read from a web server, an even greater saving of code is possible:

URL darwin = new URL("");
InputStream ins = darwin.openStream();
// can then construct a DataInputStream or<\n> 
// BufferedReader as above
This code (again, the error handling is omitted) parses the URL, connects to the web server for the URL and lets you get a Stream connection for reading its contents as text. More detailed calls are available to deal with non-textual URLs.

Java provides similar economy of API in many other areas. For details, refer to the my Java web site at or to Sun's Java web site at