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Listing 5. Checking Out and Reducing Inventory

function cart_checkout($credit_card,$address,$name) { global $conn, $customer_id, $feedback; //start a transaction query("BEGIN WORK"); # lock the appropriate rows in the item_inventory # table, based on what is in the visitor's # cart. We'll do this with a simple # subselect */ $sql="SELECT * FROM item_inventory ". "WHERE part_number ". "IN (SELECT part_number FROM cart_items ". "WHERE customer_id='$customer_id') ". "FOR UPDATE"; $res=query($sql); //check for errors if (!$res || pg_numrows($res)<1) { //no items matched or db failed $feedback .= pg_errormessage($conn); $feedback .= ' Error - no items locked '; //terminate the transaction query("END WORK"); return false; } else { /* # Inventory rows are now locked # Get the items and quantity from the cart
$sql="SELECT part_number,quantity ". "FROM cart_items ". "WHERE customer_id='$customer_id' ". "ORDER BY part_number DESC"; $res2=query($sql); //check for errors if (!$res2 || pg_numrows($res2)<1) { //no items selected from cart $feedback .= pg_errormessage($conn); $feedback .= ' Error - no items in cart '; //terminate the transaction query("END WORK"); return false; } else { $rows=pg_numrows($res2); /* # Inventory is locked and we have the cart contents # Iterate and update the inventory balances for ($i=0; $i < $rows; $i++) { //fetch this row from our cart $quantity=pg_result($res2,$i,'quantity'); $item_id=pg_result($res2,$i,'part_number'); $res3=query("UPDATE item_inventory". "SET inventory =inventory-$quantity ". "WHERE part_number='$item_id'"); //see if query failed or no rows were affected if (!$res3 || pg_cmdtuples($res3) < 1) { //couldn't update this row $feedback .= pg_errormessage($conn); $feedback .= ' Error - updating inventory failed '; //rollback the transaction query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } } /* # Inventory now fully updated # Finally - let's get the total amount # of this order and update the customer record */ $res=query("SELECT sum(cart_items.quantity*item_inventory.price) ". "FROM cart_items,item_inventory ". "WHERE cart_items.customer_id='$customer_id' ". "AND cart_items.part_number=item_inventory.part_number"); //check for errors if (!$res || pg_numrows($res) < 1) { //couldn't get order total $feedback .= pg_errormessage($conn); $feedback .= ' Error - couldn\'t get order total '; //rollback the transaction query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } else { /* # We've got the order total, now # we just update the customers table */ //set the sum as a local variable $total=pg_result($res,0,0); $res=query("UPDATE customers ". "SET address='$address',name='$name',". "total_order='$total',credit_card='$credit_card' ". "WHERE customer_id='$customer_id'"); //the usual error check if (!$res || pg_cmdtuples($res) < 1) { //update failed or did not affect any rows $feedback .= pg_errormessage($conn); $feedback .= ' Error - updating customer information '; //rollback the transaction query("ROLLBACK"); return false; } else { /* # We made it! # Now commit the changes to the database */ //commit all changes query("COMMIT"); //erase the PHP4 session $customer_id=0; session_destroy(); return true; } } } } } ?>